
SHAKESBY ET Range - Iron Removal System

Shakesby ET Range - Iron Removal System

ET Range

The ET range is suitable when all the water from a source has to be treated and the resuting treated water has to be pressurised for onward distribution. The ET range suits all sizes of domestic properties and small industrial sites, treating all the water from a borehole pump. They continually aerate the water in service and use air and water to backwash. This means they can cope with higher iron and hydrogen sulphide (rotten egg smell) levels, higher flow rates and use about half the service flow rate to backwash. Fully integrated filters contain all the aerating and venting components in one unit. ET filters control the borehole pump via pressure switches and contactor.

System: Treats all water from source pump to storage or point of use.
Iron level: Up to 30000ug/l (30mg/l) depending on site conditions.
Filter Media: SIRM
Backwash Frequency: 2-7 days (dependant on the nature of the water)

Model ET1354 ET1665 ET1865
Max. Rec. Flow rate 1.3 2.0 2.5
Backwash flow rate 0.6 0.8 1.1
Dimensions (H x W) 64”x18” 75”x18” 78”x19”

All Flow rates in m3/hr @ 3 bar appx.

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SHAKESBY ET Range - Iron Removal SystemSHAKESBY ET Range - Iron Removal SystemSHAKESBY ET Range - Iron Removal System