
SHAKESBY EB Range - Iron Removal Systems

Shakesby EB Range - Iron Removal Systems

EB Range

The EB Range offers small to medium sized domestic properties a simple, affordable and reliable solution to Iron removal. These units incorporate an air draw stage after the water only backwash. This charge of air is gradually consumed during service. The total volume of water should not exceed 2.0 m3 between wash cycles. They operate from a constant pressure supply (i.e after pressure vessel or constant pressure pump)

System: Treats the required water from a pressurised supply.
Iron level: Up to 5000ug/l (5mg/l) depending on site conditions.
Filter Media: SIRM
Backwash Frequency: 2-7 days (dependant on site conditions).

Model EB1354 EB1665 EB1865
Max. Rec. Flow rate 1.3 2.0 2.5
Backwash flow rate 1.135 1.589 2.7
Dimensions (H x W) 64”x15” 75”x17” 78”x19”

All Flow rates in m3/hr. Supply pressure min.2 bar max. 4bar.

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SHAKESBY EB Range - Iron Removal SystemsSHAKESBY EB Range - Iron Removal SystemsSHAKESBY EB Range - Iron Removal Systems